Winter season is here, but you can still rent a car

Just call us +45 86591940
Unlimited km

Go as fare as you want
and see our beautiful island.

Unlimited power

The car is fully charged.
Recharge on the stations.
(Only on Samsoe)


No trouble
the car is insured.

No fee´s or bindings

What you see, is what you get.
No hidden fee´s. Easy unsubscribing.
But leave the car, same place as rented.


How it works


Registering is easy. Have your
creditcart and driverslicens ready.

Register here, (opens in Tadaa)

Download app

Get our app in Appstore
or Google Play. 

Download here

Book your car

Via our app, you can book,
open og lock your car.

Go to app here

Download our app below

….and your good to go

The app for “Lej bil Samsø”, works with Apple IOS 10.0 and Google Android 5.0 and all new versions.
If you see the app, in Appstore or Google Play, you have the right version.
Find the one you need for your phone, down below.

Download our app:

The Lej bil Samsø app, works with Apple IOS 10.0 and Google Android 5.0 and all new versions.
If you see the app, in Appstore or Google Play, you have the right version.
Find the one you need for your phone, down below.

Google play logo lej bil samsoe

Here you will find the cars

Winter season is here, but you can still reach us

Just call us +45 86591940

Langøre habour

On the parking lot, by Smokehouse

Ballen habour

On the parking lot, by the red toilet building.

Mårup habour

On the parking lot, at the habour

Kolby Kås habour

By the toilets

Sælvig habour

On the parking lot, by the ferry